Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Next To Last Day

Well here it is Thursday. I feel so tired physically and yet so refreshed spiritually. This has been a truly incredible experience. There has been a ton of laughter and a few tears even along the way. Today was the last day at Doris's house. All the sheet rock got done that needed to be done. Because of donations from some of you awesome people we were also able to provide her with a new sink, coffee maker and water dispenser. Her water is still not drinkable out of the faucet because of contamination. There is such a high to being able to do some small things for a family but to them it makes all the difference in their lives. Doris's daughter, Amy, took us sightseeing through her area today. There has been a lot of recontruction done in the last year but there is still so much to do. We also went to the bayoo and the cemetary.

Tonight we all went out to dinner together to a seafood restaurant. It was very good and I ate soft shell crab with crawfish sauce. Mmmmm! Deano ate steak but I hope his food wasn't touching any seafood and he's going to blow up like a hot air balloon tonight. The men will have to tether him to the truck and just tow him behind the truck. Today Rachel came up with a good analogy of Deano. She called him "the human forklift". I think that is a good word picture for him!

Well tomorrow we go and work in New Orleans itself instead of the suburbs. Then after working half a day we are going to start driving home. Pray for our safe travel and thanks for joining me in "Lynn's Big Adventure". I'm so gonna do this again!!!


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